Selecting A Plant

Selecting an Agave or Aloe Plant...
Look for leaves that are firm and have nice color (of course the color will vary depending on the species.) Things to avoid are: weak, shriveled, yellowing leaves. If selecting a bare root plant, check the root structure, ideally it should be full and pest free.
Selecting a Cactus...
Most species have spines which are a modified form of a leaf. Look for cacti with a little life to the spine. Things to avoid are brittle or broken spines. Spines will vary in color, but make sure they look healthy. The spines grow from areoles, small wooly areas connected directly to the vascular system. Check the skin for good color, most skin is some shade of green and it should feel firm. Reject any with yellowing, sun scabs, or cuts. The body of the cactus should look “plump”. The growth rate on cacti will vary depending on the species. The fastest growers are Prickly Pears, San Pedro and Golden Saguaro. Slower growers are Giant Saguaro and Fire Barrels.

Selecting a Joshua Trees or Yucca...
Examine the top of the growing heads, they should be green and healthy. Don’t take a plant with yellow heads or brown spots. Do the arms of the Joshua Tree look sturdy? If you are buying a bare root plant, the root length is not so important, but reject plants that have scarring on the trunk. Joshua Trees grown slowly, it can take  at least five years to reach a height of 6” , and they only grow about 3/4” to 6” per year. The new growth comes from the center of the growing heads. The point is...if you want the look of a big tree... purchase a big tree. They grow SLOWLY!
Selecting an Ocotillo...
Ocotillo are usually sold bare root. You want stems (branches) that are dark brown alternating with green streaks all the way to the top of the cane where they may be slightly grayish. Examine the canes with your thumbnail, they should be resilient. Check for brittleness, the cane should flex when slightly bent. Examine roots for any scarring or pests. It can take up to two years for an ocotillo to re-root after transplanting. We suggest that you hand water these from the top down (think of a rain shower.) Ocotillo also gain and shed leaves in cycles and are dormant in the winter. Hummingbirds love ocotillo flowers.